Contact Us

Thank you for your Inquiry

How can we help? We’ll guide you to the best solution.

Click for General | Individual.

** Go to our Support Page for Frequently Asked Questions

Corporate Consultation

Please use the contact form below to provide a brief description of your needs and/or concerns, or contact our email at 

Tax Return

Please provide the documents to the ACCO office by one of the following methods:

  • Upload File (Secure)
  • E-mail
    Save the PDF on your desktop, and after completing the form, send it as an attachment to along with your scanned tax documents.
  • Bring to ACCO Office
    We recommend an appointment (Electronic USB with Printed Copies Preferred)
    Please print the PDF files and bring it with your tax documents. Please make an appointment by calling (310)765-1915


ACCO Venture Group is Headquartered in South Bay LA near LAX, Downtown LA, and Torrance.
879 W 190th St Suite 520, Gardena, CA 90248


9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Monday – Friday

Contact us

Phone: 1 310-765-1915
Fax: 310-935-1763